Wisdom from Within

"Become more each day; otherwise you become less."

Monday, May 30, 2011


What is balance? We hear that word often by people who tend to focus on the deeper meaning of life.  The funny thing is that all the people who were successful in life, including the men who founded this great country, all appreciated and diligently worked to maintain balance in their lives. Yet, we do not think much about it, as a society. It's almost weird to be 'that' type of person, who thinks with a sense of spirituality, sense of purpose, or is it? Is it WEAK to care about your fellow man? To have character or not to have character- that is the question. Well who would argue that the people fighting for our countries' freedoms- have pretty strong character? Everyone knows these soldiers are extraordinary people. But does anyone care to know how that became those type of people? BALANCE.
Balance which is also referred to as discipline, is maybe the most important skill an accomplished person has and does well. Take time to research all the historical figures who made it through with sheer determination only because they balanced their lives in such a way that any goal could be accomplished. So I ask you today... can you AFFORD to lack balance in your life?

This was a subject difficult for me because I lived most of my life... off balance. Here is what has worked for me and most of this I learned from others who are extremely successful financially and spiritually. With all things... it just takes making this a HABIT. Keep trying.

1) Plan, Plan, Plan...the day before. Research shows that you GAIN more time the next day by doing this.

Plan workout time, what you will eat, when you work, drop kids, go to doctor, anything.

2) Stick to your plan no matter what!! But if you miss something, do not give up, do not feel guilty, just try harder, you will make it a habit.

3) Choose to Read for at least 5 minutes when you wake up- immediately!!! Bible or something that will make you a better person. Do it before you do anything else in your day.
People who do this tend to make informed decisons throughout their day and have reported more energy.

4) Determine your goals for your life- personally, financially, and within your family... then align those with your daily tasks.
Are you working toward your true goals daily?? Are your goals all talk no action?

5) No time to read, no time to exercise, no time to spend with kids? TURN OFF THE TV OR COMPUTER... come on, find what takes your time away from these things that should matter more. People who read are more successful- research shows, people who exercise are less likely to die, be sick, and a bunch of other things you all know!!!Time with kids should be sooo important anyway. They will grow up and you WILL wish you would have spent more time with them when they needed it.

6) When at work, work!!! Do not talk to your friends... make plans for later my friend. Maybe lunch time or a quick conversation.
Most people in this world are looking for someone to waste time with so they can avoid doing their work. Those are average people.

7) Find a day where you do no work, no calls to work or any related work things.
People report more energy during other work times and have more balance in other areas of life.

8) Go outside if you can. Sun light is so good for your body and mental attitude.

9) Do something nice for someone daily.
This energizes people. You can make the time. It may change your life.

10) Use your car to listen to spiritual or personal growth books or just be quite. At bedtime, have quite time before too.

11) Eat healthy foods.

12) Study in your field or read books on success by people who you know are successful daily or weekly.

Hope this helps you find that BALANCE or Discipline.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote the steps down just so I could see where I stood in the list. Of course I am not doing will. I have a slight case of OCB (Obsessive Compulsive Behavior). I do have lists otherwise I don't get anything done. My calendar on my phone contains all my dates and alarms for exercising & eating meals.

    However, there are somethings I need to work on. I am going to start reading my bible in the morning after I return from my workout. I sit in the bathroom for minutes answering sending text messages and checking email. This would be a great time to just read my bible.

    Work seems to be something I do all the time. If I am not going to classes, I am doing something for my job. I have yet to be one that leaves my papers at home. But that has got to change. I do need to turn off my computer and spend time with my family. I wish I could do my computer like I do my cellphone. When I get home I don't touch my phone. I don't even like to answer it. I also need to spend time working while at work and not socializing. During my planning period even when I am trying to work, I get teachers, administrators, and even students coming in to bother me. I don't want to be rude so I let them stay, but usually that means I end up talking to them the entire time and not spending time doing what I need. This year, I think I am going to turn off my lights, lock and move away from my door, so that I can get some peace and work on what I need to work on.

    The only thing I may have a problem with is going outside. I hate the heat and SC has some bad heat. I only like to go out in the evening, but I need to get a patio light before I can do that.

    I do want to say I like your points, but I also need to follow them; not just say I will.
